Ever find yourself reminiscing over the tenseness of grade school competitions? Tetherball, anyone? If you’ve been missing that kind of grit, then I present Skylark’s adult spelling bee competition. (Leave the kids because, again, it’s an adult spelling bee.). This bee has been spelling every Friday this month, and it’s culminating in a Spelldown After Dark Finale on Friday the 30th. Call it The Final Spelldown.
Touted as a live gameshow with drinks, contestants have been playing all month. The winning “Spelldowner” (that’s what they’re calling competitors) of this four-week-long competition will get chosen right as the calendar flips to October. Do do do dooooo… Who will get crowned the queen (or king) bee? There’s a cash prize on the line! (The fine print says they’re using Merriam-Webster and American spellings only.)
Pro tip: If you love meat popsicles, Skylark recently released a new menu that includes dry rubbed smoked ribs. And empanadas! And a Mexican street corn salad! OH MY!!! What a good way to celebrate the reopening of West Seattle.
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