📆 Wednesday, October 2nd – Wednesday, October 30th
🎟 Individual tickets starting at $12.50
🎟 Passes range from $75 – $100
📍 SIFF Cinema Egyptian: 805 E Pine St, Seattle
By now, you’ve heard that not even Seattle’s internationally beloved non-profit video store Scarecrow Video is immune from the ravages of modern capitalism and the disruption-first, solutions-later, Silicon Valley mindset of the streaming video behemoth, and they are on the verge of closing up shop if something isn’t done. Yes, that involves raising money, but art needs money, society needs art if it’s to function in any reasonable way, and I’ll be damned if the world’s largest video archive collapses under our watch.
Enter SIFF, which has tasked Scarecrow employees with choosing an entire month’s worth of horror movies for the spooky season. Purchase a ticket to any of these films, which will be screened in the *definitely haunted* SIFF Cinema Egyptian, and half the proceeds will go to supporting the non-profit and hopefully getting it back on its feet. Because streaming will die sooner than you think, physical media must be preserved, and leaving artistic curation up to artificial intelligence and algorithms is how Skynet wins.
16 films have been carefully chosen by the yahoos on Roosevelt, and there’s a little bit for everyone.
🎬 Something from the masters? There’s a John Carpenter double feature (Halloween, Christine), some Argento (Opera), some Romero (Night of the Living Dead), and, naturally, some Hooper (The Texas Chain Saw Massacre)
🎬 On the lighter side, consider the Kim Novak vehicle Bell, Book & Candle
🎬Turn up the tension dial with 1970’s Lovecraft adaptation The Dunwich Horror and 1971’s Let’s Scare Jessica to Death
🎬 Something little goofier? I highly recommend Rockula, which is exactly what it sounds like
🎬 More elegant? France’s Eyes Without a Face
🎬 Something more modern? There’s the Oscar-nominated twisted fairy tale Border and the franchise-launching home invasion nailbiter The Strangers
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