Ichiko Aoba @ Neptune Theatre

Let’s cry together 😭

📾: Courtesy Ichiko Aoba, STG

Monday, October 17 ‱ 8 pm

Imagine a stroll through the forest on a foggy morning. The scent of pine needles, the crunching of dirt and leaves, the chilly air on your cheek. What would be the perfect theme song for this walk? Your favorite sad music? Noooo. The answer is always Ichiko Aoba.

She’s a Japanese folk artist known for her dream-like music. Plus, she’s underground enough to brag to your friends. (Or be a gatekeeper, ergh.) A perfect capture of melancholy sounds, adventure, and a touch of innocence. Inspired by the likes of Hayao Miyazaki (the Studio Ghibli dude) and Disney, her sound takes you back to childhood. It’s like walking to school on a gray morning in Seattle, except you’re crying amongst other concert-criers.

Said concert would be at Neptune Theatre, a cherished landmark in the heart of the U District. This will be her first time performing in Seattle so give a warm welcome. Tickets are relatively cheap, but that’s because Seattle doesn’t know what’s up yet. Wear a mask. Get some tissues. 

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Nathan Saeturn

Nathan is a recent UW graduate and a connoisseur of instant Vietnamese coffee—the same brand for six years. (“G7 3-in-1” to be exact!!!) He is currently a volunteer book reviewer for The International Examiner and a dog dad to Willow, the world’s most animated terrier.