Saturday, July 8th • 5 – 9 pm
“Books are a uniquely portable magic,” according to Stephen King. And for a solid decade, the Hot Off the Press Book Fair has encouraged the adventurous to revel in the thrills of discovery while perusing independent publications of all stripes, be they zany zines or crafty comics or perky prints or books of varying shapes and sizes. And this year’s event promises to offer a veritable bounty of delights, with over 50 regional artists and presses flogging their wares. Look for works from the likes of Roberta Gregory, Salish Sea Arts Foundation, Riot Grrrl Records, Megan Kelso, Ouroboros Press, Jacob McMurray, Misc Media, and Coin-Op Books, among many others.
And the Fair’s about more than just browsing for exciting finds. There’ll also be an art exhibition by Portland artist Daria Tessler from her book Salome’s Last Dance, live performances from punky popster Lisa Prank, Mudhoney guitarist-turned-biographer Steve Turner, experimental noise act The Late Unpleasantness, and a special tribute to NW beat filmmaker/musicologist Harry Smith by Bret Lunsford (formerly of Oly lo-fi rockers Beat Happening). All squeezed into a mere four hours.
It’ll all go down outside—and inside—Fantagraphics Bookstore and Gallery, meaning you’ll have plenty of places to stop by in the neighborhood if you’re in need of an advance restorative (a sweet treat from Matcha Man Ice Cream & Taiyaki, a cheesy sandwich from Smarty Pants, a cold beer from 9lb Hammer) before the festivities commence in the late afternoon.
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