An Epic Seattle vs. Portland Doubleheader @ Lumen Field

Seattle Sounders FC đź’Ş OL Reign

📸: Sounders | Reign

Saturday, June 3rd • 1:30 pm + 5 pm

Do you like Seattle soccer? Do you have a bone to pick with Portland? Then please, read on.

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Maybe it comes from our innate sibling rivalry that stems from basically being the same city, but Seattle and Portland are huge sporting rivals, particularly in soccer. And on Saturday, June 3rd, there are two opportunities for Seattle soccer teams to beat our craft-beer-drinkingbicycle-ridingtiny-hat-wearing, flannel-covered neighbors to the south. (To the person in the back yelling that these same stereotypes apply to Seattle: Shhh.)

On June 3rd, one ticket will get you access to both matches of a rare Sounders-Reign doubleheader. The Sounders and Timbers will take the field first at 1:30 pm, followed by OL Reign and Thorns at 5 pm. There’s only been one prior official Sounders/Reign doubleheader—in 2021, dubbed “The PNW Experience”—so this is pretty special

Since these are rivalry matches, expect an added layer of pageantry around the games. Last summer, the Sounders’ home match against the Timbers featured a Navy parachute team dropping into the stadium as The Head and the Heart played “All We Ever Knew.” After 2021’s doubleheader, Reign star Jess Fishlock was handed a bouquet of roses (get it… cause thorns), which she subsequently dropped to the turf.

Expect the roster to be filled with local talents and star players, including Megan Rapinoe, Rose Lavelle, Sam Hiatt, Jordan Morris, Jackson Ragen, and Nicolas Lodeiro. 

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Adam Kubota Video Producer

Adam Kubota

Adam Kubota is a born and raised Seattleite. He once attempted to catalog every US city with a municipal composting program. When not looking for Seattle’s best burrito, he works as The Ticket’s video producer.