Margaritas Podridas @ Madame Lou’s

Let’s rip đŸ’„

📾: Margaritas Podridas

🗓 Thursday, December 14th
⏰ Doors 7:30 | Show 8:30
📍 Madame Lou’s: 2505 1st Ave, Seattle
🎟 $16+

Meaning “rotten daisies” in Spanish, Margaritas Podridas’ songs are just that—pretty yet rancid, fresh yet dead, vulnerable but a little scuzzy.

Formed and based in Hermosillo, MĂ©xico, the quartet traverses in shoegazegrunge, and punk genres with a DIY and political sensibility. Their recently released singles “Filosa” and “VĂłmito” embody the noisy, middle-finger-to-the-system attitude they’ve become known for. On “Filosa,” singer and bassist Carolina Rivera scream-sings, “No te quiero / No puedo / No puedo decirte,” before ripping into a guttural cry that represents all the things she can’t say. And on “VĂłmito,” choking on emotions becomes literal with sounds of puking and retching threaded through brash guitars and a pounding bassline. It absolutely rips

Signed to Sub Pop Records, Margaritas Podridas has been on a constant grind, touring and gaining an international fanbase with their high-energy, sweaty shows. For their Seattle stop, hardcore/punk outfit Rainbow Coalition Death Cult and Alaia D’Alessandro’s new project, Little Venom, will be opening duties for Margaritas Podridas. See you in the pit. 

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An author pic of Jas Keimig. They have blue braids.

Jas Keimig

Jas Keimig is an arts and culture writer in Seattle. Their work has previously appeared in The Stranger, i-D, Netflix, and Feast Portland. They won a game show once and have a thing for stickers.