Local Sightings Film Festival 2024 @ Northwest Film Forum

Looking local 📍

📾: Local Sightings Film Festival

📆 Friday, September 20th – Sunday, September 29th
🎟 Passes start at $60
📍 Online and at Northwest Film Forum: 1515 12th Ave, Seattle

Though many movies are set in the area, and The Ticket has listed some of them right here—not all Seattle-set movies are shot or made by locals. Northwest Film Forum has held the Local Sightings Film Festival for 27 years, offering those looking for films an opportunity to experience shorts, features, workshops, and panels focusing on regional filmmakers

Watch films in person or at home. Purchase individual tickets or passes. Or join in for the Opening Night Party with a “Pun-Off” hosted by the director of the documentary Underneath It All, a flick about how a weekly Seattle pun-off became so popular it spread around the globe.

Check out the full festival lineup here, but don’t miss seeing these gems:

Festival passes are available at a sliding scale, and discounted tickets are available for students, children, seniors, and Northwest Film Forum members. Stay tuned for announcements on this year’s workshops and panels.

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Patheresa Wells

Patheresa Wells is a Black/Persian, Pansexual, Polyamorous Poet (so many Ps) and writer living in Seatac. An aspiring comic, you can catch her cracking jokes at open mics around the area. In her free time, she likes to imagine what she’d do with free time and feed her backyard crows cuz they’re silly. Follow her on Twitter @PatheresaWells.