Friday, June 9th • 7:30 pm
When he’s not helping to send Martha Stewart to jail as the lead prosecutor in the case against her (“Martha Stewart is being prosecuted not because of who she is, but what she did”) or going head-to-head with his former boss Donald Trump (“This President is unethical, and untethered to the truth and institutional values”), former FBI Director James Comey has also developed a nice sideline as an author. He drew on his own career experiences for A Higher Loyalty: Truth, Lies, and Leadership (Jeff Daniels played him in the TV series based on the book, The Comey Rule), and Saving Justice: Truth, Transparency, and Trust. Now he’s tackled one of the most popular genres in fiction: the crime novel.
Central Park West has a ripped-from-the-headlines plot about a former governor, removed from office due to his sexual indiscretions, being murdered by his wife. Or was it his wife? Are the Mafia involved? And what does Starbucks have to do with any of this? Publisher’s Weekly calls the book “A sturdy crime fiction debut,” adding: “A sequel would be welcome.” Ah, but who does Comey want to play federal prosecutor Nora Carelton in the movie? Find out when he sits down for a discussion with former radio host/current podcaster and UW teacher Steve Scher. Can a future writing blockbuster thrillers for the big screen be far behind?
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