Dungeons & Drag Queens Pride Brunch @ Capitol Hill Comedy/Bar

Merry mischief makers 😈

📸: Dungeons & Drag Queens

📆 Sunday, June 23rd
🕓 Doors 12 pm | Show 1 pm
🎟 General admission $25
📍 Capitol Hill Comedy/Bar: 210 Broadway E Seattle

We’ve mentioned before our love for these monster-slaying drag queens. The adventure continues with a Pride-themed D&DQ brunch! Magic and nerdy shenanigans will ensure during this live D&D campaign. Join Dungeon Master Paul Curr, his merry bard Carson Cutter, and the fabulous high-rolling queens Issa Man, Kylie Mooncakes, and Tinashéa Monet. Toss back a mimosa and celebrate Pride month with one of our favorite bands of mischief makers.

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Sandra Woolf

Sandra is a writer and film programmer currently haunting the PNW. Fueled by iced coffee and love of all things pink (don’t tell the other goths). She’s most interested in finding the sexy dark corners of Seattle.